+1 207 967 5776
Anke Schütz

Anke Schütz


Anke Schütz combines her passion for food photography with her love of nature and wild edible herbs. The harvest of fresh foraged foods is easily done both behind and beyond her garden fence. The images she creates reveal her professionalism, heart and creativity.

When Anke moved her photo studio to the outskirts of Hamburg a few years ago, it all began: she was educated as a specialist in wild edible herbs and started to reconcile photography with her love of nature. Being so close to an abundance of nature, the two passions combined easily.

The gentle structure of natural daylight sets the tone in her compositions. Her food photos are created with emotion, dedication and a certain sense of style and decoration. Although she loves to work with a team of food stylists and assistants, Anke is increasingly attracted to the idea of single-handed creation. Creating her own recipes with wild foraged ingredients brings her tremendous joy.

Her images have now been published in several cook books, some of which are specialty titles on wild edible herbs, and forest, field and foraged cuisine. Her clients are publishers and editors mainly from Germany.