+1 207 967 5776
Baci di dama (almond biscuits with chocolate cream, Italy)

Baci di dama (almond biscuits with chocolate cream, Italy)

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Baci di dama (almond biscuits with chocolate cream, Italy)
Coconut Rochers
Christmas biscuits with white wine
A Hungarian festive Swiss roll
Mini panettoni
Savoiardi di Natale (Christmas sponge fingers, Italy)
A jar of almond biscuits
Spiced tea with Swiss roll
Canestrelli (Christmas almond biscuits, Italy)
A star hanger with writing
Canestrelli (Christmas almond biscuits, Italy)

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Price: starting at $25
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This image is part of a feature

Sugar & Frost
© Feature by Avalos Flores, Maricruz | 12 Images & Text

The best way to keep Jack Frost at bay is to bake the winter chills away! Get cozy in the kitchen preparing a sponge roll cake and serve it with a cup of spiced tea. Fill your cookie jars with classic Italian cookies dusted with sugar and start baking Panetonne gifts for your friends and loved ones!

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Image ID:12467040
Caption:Baci di dama (almond biscuits with chocolate cream, Italy)
License type:Rights-managed
Contributor:StockFood / Avalos Flores, Maricruz
Image size:3413 px x 5120 px